Good Food, Better Dog

Our puppy  is one the best things about our day. His potty training is really coming along great, we’ve giving him the kitchen as his space when we leave instead of his kennel, and his “accidents” have pretty much have gone from every time we left to every three or four days…so that’s progress in my book. It makes me like him a little bit more when he doesn’t pee or poo on my floor. But he’s a pretty spoiled little dog, he’s on my lap cuddled under a blanket right now…he gets completely devastated when he’s put on the floor when we’re eating dinner, pathetic! But he knows not to cross the street, he’ll sit on the edge of our lawn when we go across the street to check the mail and sit there like a good boy, such a good little boy!

I’ve also started making all of his food at home, so he knows he’s a spoiled rotten dog. The best part about making his food is it saves us money on dog food, it’s better for him, and it makes me happy knowing he’s eating his food because he likes it and not because he has to. Last time I made boiled chicken, egg and rice with ground carrots and canned it, it filled about 24 1/2 pint jars and he eat about 1 pint of food each day. This past time I cooked some oats, added a bag of frozen mixed berries, a half a bag of frozen peas, filled the jars about half way with that, the other half was filled with raw ground beef and then topped off with about a tablespoon of yogurt or cottage cheese. I usually top his food with ground flax seeds and some Spirulina and anything else that’s a left over we’re not going to eat or something extra to make it different from the day before, this one I put chopped spinach…he loves it. (no, it doesn’t look appetizing to us, but to him, the prime rib!) But what makes him healthy on the inside, will in turn help him be a happier dog and  stay with us longer and with less medical problems than a lot of other dogs on conventional dog food…hopefully.

The cats are stuck with bagged food, poor kitties ): Maybe that’s why BooBoo hates me? And besides, Pheobe’s turning into a dog and waiting at the door everyday to be let out for the day, so hopefully she’s out catching bugs and eating mice or something…no, who am I kidding, all she does is run under the neighbors camper and sit there and then run to the bushes in our front yard and watch all the other neighbor cats outside actually act like cats and sleep in the drive way.

ahhh, the fam, I love them all. And for those of you wondering how Branden’s back is doing, it’s doing much better. It’s still bothering him a little, but his pain killers are helping with the pain and his physical therapy is really helping as well with pain and the healing, so YAY! I was sick of him being on bed rest… I about died of frustration.

About Christina Nicole

I’m an Air Force Brat who grew up swearing off the military only to end up marrying a United States Air National Guardsman. We’ve gone through six moves in the past two years and have finally settled in Terre Haute, Indiana to stay (let’s hope the military agrees...or whichever other career path presents itself). We just bought our first home and I’m itching to get started on all the projects it’s so desperatly in need of! Now, if I only I could find some spare money layin’ around… I hoard (that’s not an understatement) glass bottles and jars like nobody’s business, it drives my husband crazy. I drink hot tea daily, not coffee. I love all things DIY. I’m close to an unhealthy addiction to Baskin Robin’s Bubble Gum Ice Cream and save alllll the little gum peices for last. Also, I usually don’t proof read my posts, so the mistakes…they add flare.
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