Monday Night Free-Range Chicken

So this past Saturday Branden also bought a free range chicken from the same stand, Royer Farm, that had the beef filets, this chicken turned out great! Branden found a beer brine on the internet, so I made that and we marinated the chicken for only about 7 hours, dried it off and refrigerated for another 2 hours before grilling it.

I don’t know what temperature Branden cooked them at but they cooked for maybe a little longer than 90 minutes. We had with that a salad with avocado and tomato drizzled with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. It was the perfect light dinner to end our weekend with.

Branden also very creatively came up with a quick appetizer for us to snack on, we didn’t have skewers, so we opted for the next best thing, chopsticks! HAHA! For something quick and unplanned, he did pretty good, the tomatoes tasted really sweet after grilling! I added a bit of pepper and some salt, but if we do these again, I’ll  probably only do pepper.

About Christina Nicole

I’m an Air Force Brat who grew up swearing off the military only to end up marrying a United States Air National Guardsman. We’ve gone through six moves in the past two years and have finally settled in Terre Haute, Indiana to stay (let’s hope the military agrees...or whichever other career path presents itself). We just bought our first home and I’m itching to get started on all the projects it’s so desperatly in need of! Now, if I only I could find some spare money layin’ around… I hoard (that’s not an understatement) glass bottles and jars like nobody’s business, it drives my husband crazy. I drink hot tea daily, not coffee. I love all things DIY. I’m close to an unhealthy addiction to Baskin Robin’s Bubble Gum Ice Cream and save alllll the little gum peices for last. Also, I usually don’t proof read my posts, so the mistakes…they add flare.
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2 Responses to Monday Night Free-Range Chicken

  1. Nikki says:

    Hey, this is a shout out from your chicken and beef farmer. Your food photography is awesome, glad you have been enjoying the meat.

  2. The meat is wonderful, we’re excited about the 100% grass fed beef we have coming our way from you guys!

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